01 July 2007

Business Blogging (Overview)

Why should you have a blog?
  1. One more tool in your toolbox
    * Dialogue not monologue
  2. Google Loves Blogs! SEO/SEM
  3. Creating conversations
    * With your customers
    * With your competitors
    * With your partners/investors
    * With the media
  4. Industry Insight
  5. Reputation capital
Caveat: do not blog only for the sake of marketing & sales

How to get started
  1. Choose your categories – tags, Technorati
  2. Subscribe to & read other blogs – RSS
  3. Create your blogroll – link to your friends and colleagues
  4. Plan your content choices
  5. Set some guidelines
  6. Monitor the blogosphere - PubSub, Feedster
Enter the conversation
  1. Relationship building
  2. Authenticity
  3. Customer interaction
  4. Trackbacks and comments
  5. Posting tips
    *link to sources & competitors
    *title phrases
    *be authentic and interactive
How to get results
  1. Syndication and RSS
  2. Promote your blog
  3. Follow the posting tips * authenticity * linking * shared knowledge * key phrases
  4. Comment on other blogs
  5. Watch your trackbacks
  6. Submit your URL to directories
  7. Have good features
  8. Link to yourself
  9. Avoid link exchanges!
What you can achieve:
  1. strong SEO results
  2. differentiation
  3. leadership
  4. more traffic
  5. customer interaction and loyalty
  6. new business, if done right!

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